Thursday, November 11, 2010

Bulbar triumph

bulbar triumph
For the first time ever,  ALL the bulbs bought in the annual fall bulb frenzy were planted.  Just made it too--the weather report predicts that our sweet, long autumn is due to end tonight with rain and cold and wind.

Of the 1500 plus bulbs, some were put into dedicated springtime beds. Some bulbs were planted for a one-time outdoor display where perennials were and will be again but aren't now. Some were put in the vegetable garden, destined to be cut for indoor bouquets. Finally, some were planted in pots for indoor forcing during that miserable interlude between winter and spring the Russians know as "rasputitsa--" the sea of mud when gardening is impossible.

My back aches, the taste of ro-pel sticks in my nose, I could hardly be dirtier.  Not conditions one would think conducive to triumph, yet triumph will keep welling up.

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